Batch file to start applications for ReactNative app development [VSC, Emulator etc]

If you are lazy like me, and wants to automate to start all applications related to ReactNative app development then here are life savior steps for it. This happens when you start your laptop and you have to manually start VisualStudioCode and then go to Android Studio and starts Android AVD manager and then startsContinue reading “Batch file to start applications for ReactNative app development [VSC, Emulator etc]”

Step by step adding Native code to ReactNative apps – Java with JS

For beginning, we will add simple Toast functionalities to react native js code. Prerequisite – You have installed all components like nodejs, Android sdk, react-nativecli. If not please refer to Creating project first Go to your repository folder eg. [react-native-code-base] Type: react-native init NativeModulePackageExampleThis will create ReactNative project with name “NativeModulePackageExample”Inside this there willContinue reading “Step by step adding Native code to ReactNative apps – Java with JS”

Template for Generic Component/Screen – ReactNative

While working on ReactNative applications, I found that most of or all most of the components or screen components were same in format. So if you are beginner then following are the basic and generic template while writing any components/screen. It has 4 parts,1. Imports of other components2. declaration of component with props3. declaration ofContinue reading “Template for Generic Component/Screen – ReactNative”

Single App with multiple root components while learning – React Native Expo

While learning React Native with multiple examples, if you faced an issue that you need to either override the example in root component file e.g. App.js or creating multiple projects for each example. Here, I found another way to have multiple root component files within single project. Expo has entry point details, just like otherContinue reading “Single App with multiple root components while learning – React Native Expo”

My first experience with React Native

Well, I am native developer, almost worked for more than 10 years in Android native development. But, this react native stuff forced me to have a look into it, not professionally but atleast a try.I installed native js and all other stuff as described by I started first with React native CLI, did allContinue reading “My first experience with React Native”